How to Finish a Basement Bathroom Install the sewage ejector pump in the sewage basin and connect the PVC plumbing to the main sewer line. This project is continued. Stack Vents. A vent stack is the small pipe that you see coming out of your roof. It completes the wet vent system. Regular Checkups of your Vent Stack. What is pro vent Everyone understands that plumbing vents allow the stinky, obnoxious, toxic sewer gasses to safely dissipate into the atmosphere however that is just the small part of what vents do. As liquids pass through the drain and waste pipes it displaces the air, which is present in the line by pushing the air ahead as it moves. If a drain line is sized correctly a horizontal pipe should only be full under full load. This keeps the upper half of the line open for the transfer of vent air over the liquid and into the space behind the moving liquid. In this manner the air pressure in the line will remain constant, however, there are conditions where the upper half of the line may also be obstructed by the moving liquid. Under these conditions as the liquid moves forward it leaves a partial vacuum behind the liquid which would then suck the water out of the fixture trap, thereby leaving the trap open for sewer gasses to enter you house once the liquid has moved on to the sewer. In order to prevent that partial vacuum situation the Plumbing Codes are very specific about where and how vents are to be placed. In fact, ask any plumbing inspector and he or she will tell you that venting is the most important part of the plumbing system, and the part which gets the greatest scrutiny during a plumbing inspection. Now to answer your question, the terms Pro vent, Studor Vent or Cheater Vent are trade names for a device, which is properly called an Air Admittance Valve or AAV. An air admittance valve is a device, which has an internal spring loaded diaphragm that will open under negative pressure and allow additional vent air to enter the pipe. The singular drawback of the AAV is that they will allow additional air into the pipe to protect the water level in the trap seal, but they do not allow the sewer gasses in the pipe to safely escape to the atmosphere. For this reason the use of AAVs should be limited. STUDOR+AAV%E2%80%99s+Are+guaranteed+for+the+life+of+the+plumbing+system+to+which+they+are+attached%21.jpg' alt='How To Install Studor Vent System' title='How To Install Studor Vent System' />Under the International Residential Code IRC all structures are required to have one Main Vent which must run undiminished in size from the building main drain through the roof. After that is achieved you may terminate additional auxiliary vents in the attic space, through the wall under very limited circumstances or you may use an unlimited number of AAVs. Under the Uniform Plumbing Code UPC ALL VENTS must terminate through the roof, however the UPC will allow a maximum of one AAV per structure. Based upon information presented in the original post this homeowner is under the UPC, and while it is legal to use the AAV or in their case Pro Vent it is understood that this is the only one that may be used in the structure. Frequently Asked Questions IPS Corporation. Air Admittance Valves AAVQ. How does the Studor Air Admittance Valve work A. The Studor Air Admittance Valve AAV is a one way valve that allows air to enter the plumbing drainage system when fixtures discharge. The valve closes by gravity when discharge is completed and under no flow conditions preventing sewer gas from escaping into the valve. Q. Why is it important to allow air to enter the plumbing systemA. When fixtures discharge negative pressure develops in the drainage system due to water flowing downstream in the pipes. If air does not enter the system and balance the pressure the water in the fixture trap will be siphoned allowing sewer gas to enter the building. Q. Are Studor AAVs suitable for all applications A. YES Studor manufactures various models which fit pipe sizes of 1 12, 2, 3 and 4. The valves are suitable for single fixtures, branches and stack applications in residential and commercial buildings. Q. Can Studor AAVs be used in extreme temperatures A. All Studor AAVs are tested to temperatures of 4. F and 1. 50 F as required by the ASSE Performance Standards. In addition some models are provided with insulation material as part of the packaging which provides additional protection. Q. Can Studor AAVs be used outdoorsA. Studor AAVs can be used outdoors, but it is recommended that they be protected from the elements. Download more information. Back to top. Chem Vent. Q. What is a Chem Vent A. The Chem Vent is a specialty Air Admittance Valve AAV manufactured by Studor. Q. What is its intended purpose A. The Chem Vent was purposely designed to be used in specialized acid waste systems as a replacement of conventional vent pipes and loop vents very commonly used in lab style layouts. Q. What kind of acid waste systems A. The kind commonly installed in schools, hospitals and labs in general. Q. Can the valve be used in systems handling bio hazardous or otherwise toxic waste A. The valve CANNOT be used in any applications where the fumes contained in the waste systems would require filtration before humans could be exposed to them. Q. Can any material AAV be used in acid waste systems A. No, technically, only the Chem Vent since all its components are designed to handle the corrosive and temperature environment of an acid waste system. Standard residential or other commercial AAV have neither the chemical resistance nor the temperature range to operate in such systems. Q. Is the use of the Chem Vent in acid waste systems code approved A. Currently the plumbing codes do not allow the use of any AAVs in an acid waste system. This application was correctly excluded in the codes because no manufacturer produced a suitable product. Studors Chem Vent is different and Studor is working with the code authorities to make an exception for AAVs manufactured from chemical and acid resistant material. Q. Can the Chem Vent be used before the code language is changed A. Even before the code is changed it will be possible to use the Chem Vent as part of an engineered system. Q. What makes the Chem Vent different from all other AAVs A. Its Flame Retardant Polypropylene FR PP material of construction and its chemical resistance EPDM seat. Q. Why FR PP A. For the last 2. FR PP has been the material of choice in the vast majority of institutional lab installations e. Q. Are there any other material used in acid waste systems A. Yes, starting from the oldest to the newest Ductile Iron DurironBorosilicate glass. FR PVDFCPVCQ. When, where and why are these materials used instead of FR PP in Acid Waste piping systems A. Duriron was the very first system used in acid waste system before better materials came along. Its chemical resistance is very poor and so is its life expectancy. The Chem Vent can be comfortably specified and used on any Duriron systems. Glass replaced Duriron as the material of choice and is still extensively used today in return air plenum applications as well as with some extreme chemicals. Cost, limited jointing styles, brittleness and difficulty of installation of glass have allowed FR PP to become the predominant choice. If FR PP is deemed resistant to the chemical waste in a glass system, the Chem Vent can be used on glass systems unless the system is installed in a return air plenum. FR PVDF is a relatively new material designed specifically to replace glass in return air plenum installations. Although comparable in material cost its versatility, light weight and available jointing systems makes the installed cost of FR PVDF systems in return air plenum very competitive with glass. If FR PP is deemed resistant to the chemical waste in a glass system, the Chem Vent can be used on glass systems unless the system is installed in a return air plenum. CPVC is the newest material in acid waste system. Like FR PP it cannot be used in return air plenum applications additionally it cannot be used if solvents are part of the waste flow. Thanks to its proven solvent cement jointing system CPVC is easy to install and does not require specialty equipment. The Chem Vent can be comfortably specified and used on any CPVC systems. Q. How does the Chem vent connect to an FR PP system A. The valves extended tail piece can be directly installed on any mechanical joint or fusion sanitary Tee currently available regardless of the manufacturer following the acid waste system manufacturer jointing instructions. Q. How can the Chem Vent be installed on dissimilar material systems A. Through adapters designed to transition from FR PP to glass, ductile iron or CPVC. Q. Where can I find these adaptersA. FR PP to glass or ductile iron adapters are readily available through the different FR PP piping system manufacturers. FR PP to CPVC adapters are readily available through the different CPVC piping system manufacturers. Q. Why does the Chem Vent have an extended tail piece connectionA. Download Driver Hp Laserjet 1100 Ms Driver here. To make sure that the vent will always comply with the code required minimum of 4 above the trap, no matter which FR PP manufacturer or system is selected. Q. Does the Chem Vent meet any performance standards A. Yes the Chem Vent is tested to and certified to NSF 1. Back to top. Maxi Filtra. Q. What is a Maxi FiltraA. The Maxi Filtra is a device that serves as a two way vent that allows air to pass through a carbon filter and eliminate sewer gas odors. Q. Can the Maxi Filtra be use indoors A. No, the Maxi Filtra is designed for outdoor use only, particularly for use with septic systems. Q. Can the Maxi Filtra be installed horizontally A. Yes, the Maxi Filtra can be installed in the horizontal or the vertical position. Q. Can the Maxi Filtra be installed in an existing systemA. Yes, the Maxi Filtra can be retro fitted on an existing system. Q. How long does the carbon filter cartridge last A. The cartridge can last up to 2 years. Q. Does the Maxi Filtra require maintenance A. No maintenance is required other than replacing the cartridge. Q. Is the Maxi Filtra protected from UV rays A. Yes, there is also an optional cover available for additional protection. Q. What size pipe does the Maxi Filtra fit A. The Maxi Filtra fits a 3 or 4 pipe. Back to top. P. A. P. A. Q. What does P. A. P. A. stand for A. Positive Air Pressure Attenuator. Q. What is the P. A. P. A. used for A. It is used to neutralize positive air transients in the DWV system of multi story buildings.