S3cmd is a free command line tool and client for uploading, retrieving and managing data in Amazon S3 and other cloud storage service providers that use the S3 protocol, such as Google Cloud Storage or Dream. Host Dream. Objects. It is best suited for power users who are familiar with command line programs. It is also ideal for batch scripts and automated backup to S3, triggered from cron, etc. S3cmd is written in Python. Its an open source project available under GNU Public License v. GPLv. 2 and is free for both commercial and private use. You will only have to pay Amazon for using their storage. Lots of features and options have been added to S3cmd, since its very first release in 2. ACL and Metadata management, S3 bucket size, bucket policies, and more S3. Express Command Line S3 Client and S3 Backup for Windows. S3. Express is a commercial S3 command line tool for Windows. Differently from S3cmd, S3. Express is designed to run specifically on Windows, it is self contained in one executable s. Its very compact and has very small footprint the entire program is less than 5. MB. Its very easy to install on Windows servers, clients, desktops and laptop computers alike. S3. Express is developed and maintained by TGRMN Software, the company behind Vice. Versa PRO, professional software for file backup, file synchronization and file copy on Windows. With S3. Express you can list and query S3 objects using conditional filters, manage S3 objects metadata and ACLs, upload files to S3 using multipart uploads and multiple concurrent threads, upload only new or changed files to S3 for automated backup incremental backup, delete multiple S3 objects, copy S3 objects, etc. Windows command line. All operations in S3. Express are multithreaded fast, automatically retryable network failure resistant, and interruptible all commands can be stopped and restarted at any time. Connections to Amazon S3 are made using secure http https, which is an encrypted version of the HTTP protocol, to protect your files while theyre in transit to and from Amazon S3 storage servers. S3. Express System Requirements Windows 1. Windows 8 8. 1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP, Windows Server 2. R2. Self contained S3. Express does not require any additional libraries or software to run. The entire S3. Express installation is less than 8. MB in size. No changes whatsoever applied to the operative system, S3. Express can run without admin rights.