Back Office Software For Travel Agents From Galileo Orbiter' title='Back Office Software For Travel Agents From Galileo Orbiter' />Through the Years Woodrow Wilson High School. United States Postal System surface mail rates rose from three cents per ounce to four cents and domestic air mail rose from six cents per ounce to seven cents. Economic recession continued to affect the coal fields adversely. State authorities in Little Rock, Arkansas closed the public school system and reopened them for a time as private schools in an unsuccessful attempt to continue racial segregation. The United States launched its first Earth satellite Explorer I and its second Vanguard I. The last Packard automobile rolled off the assembly line. New book titles Home From the Hill and The Gingerbread Man. At the movies The Defiant Ones, Separate Tables, I Want to Live, Gigi and The Big Country. Free Wav Mp3 Converter 7 0 2 Area more. Television premiers 7. Fake News Papers Fake News Videos. A Few Abbreviations. Sunset Strip, The Donna Reed Show and The Lawman. Songs we listened to included Volare, Its All in the Game, Patricia, All I Have To Do Is Dream, Bird Dog, Little Star, Witch Doctor, Twilight Time, Tequilla and At The Hop. February 6. Co captains Harold Meade and George Thompson along with Bob Wills and John Pyles won their individual wrestling matches contributing to a 2. Hinton Bobcats in Hinton. February 1. 8Classmate Glenna Jean Crawford was recognized in the Beckley. Post Herald for having two poems intended for the ECHO published in Seventeen Magazine. February 2. 2Woodrow Wilson placed third in the 1. Annual State Wrestling Championship. George Thompson placed third in the 1. Gmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. To find blue hope just scratch the red surface Bettina Davis May 2002. John Spinelli placed third in the 1. Bob Wills placed third in the 1. Harold Meade placed second in the 1. March 4. The Vocal Music Department presented a two act musical comedy Old Fashioned Girl. The_Galilean_satellites_%28the_four_largest_moons_of_Jupiter%29.tif/lossy-page1-688px-The_Galilean_satellites_%28the_four_largest_moons_of_Jupiter%29.tif.jpg' alt='Back Office Software For Travel Agents From Galileo Orbiter' title='Back Office Software For Travel Agents From Galileo Orbiter' />Classmates Ida Rose Adkins, Keith Cooke, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Phyllis Holdren, James Lowe, Larry Kesler, Katybelle Pickett, John Spinelli, Barbara Thorne, James Walker and Nadine Walls had parts in the play. Classmates Margaret Fitzpatrick, Susan Johnson, Joan Sweptson and Mary Ellen Thorpe were in the chorus. Classmates Nancy Lewis and Shirley Sutphin were dancers. March 7. The Woodrow Wilson High School basketball team defeated Marsh Fork in the semi final game of the Section 1. Class A state basketball tournament. Captains Ron Manning and Charles Buddy Bales, along with classmates Mike Howery and Gene Miller contributed to the victory. The Flying Eagles were defending state champions in 1. March 2. 7 2. 8The Flying Eagle Band presented the Annual Minstrel. Jerry Bledsoe played the part of the interlocutor with George Arnold, J. C. Francisco, Mike Howery, Denny Mahoney, Bill Rose and George Thompson playing end men. April 2. 6The Latin Club held their annual banquet. A group of classmates dressed in togas appeared on the front page of the Beckley newspaper following this event. May 1. Tie Heel Day Seniors. May 7. Kid Day Picnic Seniors. May 9. All books due in library. May 1. 0Junior Senior Prom Ida Mae Canterbury reigned as Prom Queen with Judy Coram, Pat Costelli, Janey Cooke, Sherry Evans, Susan Lowe and Kitty Walker attending. Harold Casali, vice president of the Student Council crowned Ida Mae as Queen, Errol Stokley served as announcer accompanied by Janice Mynier and Susan Bailey served as Flower Girl. May 1. 5Rehearsal of Seniors for Class Sermon. May 1. 6The Woodrow Wilson High School Band presented a commencement musical concert. May 1. 8The Woodrow Wilson High School Vocal Department presented a musical concert directed by Mrs. Cary Mc. Clure. Miss Katybelle Pickett sang a solo during the program presented in honor of National Music Week. May 1. 9 2. 0Examinations for seniors. Seniors having a B average or better for a given subject were excused from taking a final examination for that subject. May 2. 3Second Senior Class Rehearsal for Sermon at 9 a. May 2. 5Class Sermon 8 0. May 2. 6Final report cards. May 2. 7Graduation Wiliam Lee Ball, Agnes Rae Bowling, Elizabeth Ann Brash, Phyllis Marie Faykus, Sharon Jeanette Goodman, Phyllis Anne Lilly, Martha Eloise May, Lynda Sue Oscar, Darrell Franklin Pettry, Ruth Anne Pipkin, Joyce Kay Shumate, Demetria Ann Stanley, Lois Ann Arnott, Judith Faye Bowers, Charleen Carson, Jo Ann Chambers, Robert Earl Clifford, Rilla Mae Cook, Janice Gayle Curtis, Mary Alice Daniel, Shelby Lee Dozier, Carol Gaye Fitzgerald, Billie Sue Hedrick, Johnnie Herbert Hoskins, Archie Lenord Hughes, Nancy Kay Johnson, Mary Catherine Lagos, Norma Jean Laws, Virginia Lee Mackey, Janet Ruth Mc. Cary, Betty Jo Mitchem, Patty Ann Moses, William Newton Oliver, Betty Lou Osborn, Patsy Porterfield, Alice Faye Riffe, Jan Eldridge Riffe, Georgia Ann Roberts, Larry Franklin Stover, Betty Lenore Suddreth, Barbara Sue Thorne, Patsy Ruth Thornton, Mary Ellen Thorpe, Mary Nadine Walls, Nina Louise Williams, Leonard Berkeley Wright, Thelma Mae Adams, Ida Rose Adkins, Kenneth Ivan Akers, Barbara Jean Alderman, Michael Keith Allenbaugh, Norma Lee Angle, Mary Arbaugh, Sue Ellen Arnett, Clarence Norvell Arthur, Mary Anna Atkins, Carmellia Faye Ayers, David Robert Bailes, James Linton Bailey, Pauline Janette Bailey, Ruby Gay Bailey, Barbara Lee Baker, Ronald Gene Baker, Betty Jean Ballard, Larry Keith Bazzie, Jerry Gordon Beavers, Janet Elouise Bennett, Judith Kay Benson, Jack Lee Berry, Nancy Kay Biggs, Jerry Wesley Bledsoe, Judith Kay Boleratz, Michael Whisler Bowman, Jackqueline Harwood Bragg, Deta Raye Brogan, James Lee Broome, Dalton Reid Broyles, Lewis Glenn Buckland, Guy Lewis Burford, Shirley Jean Calhown, Wilma Mae Caudill, Eugene Edwin Chappo, Reba Jane Pittman Cline, James Harold Cole, Sharon Louise Coleman, Nancy Gaye Combs, Cecilia June Conner, Keith Lucille Cooke, Joyce Ann Cooney, June Irene Cooper, Virginia Rose Cox, David Lloyd Craig, Clela Jane Crawford, Glenna Jean Crawford, Antonio Manuel Cueto, Benjamin Von Daniel, Eleanor Sue Daugherty, Richard Harrison Davis, Margaret Ann Dunn, Marjorie Ann Edwards, John Franklin Estrada, Jr., James Joseph Fazio, Carol Ann Fearn, Franklin Delano Fekete, Frankie Marie Ferro, Don Jerry Fink, Barbara Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Margaret Rose Fitzpatrick, Phyllis Ann Fitzwater, Rebecca Ann Freeland, Clyde Morris French, Shirley Ann Garland, Gloria Lou Garten, Prudence Gaziano, Mildred Jean Gilliam, Leon Alva Goins, Shirley Louise Goins, Sandara Lee Goodall, Judith Lynn Griffith, Pauline Frances Grimes, Richard Allen Grubb, Robert Eugene Hancock, Norman Holt Harless, Jr., Clyde Douglas Harper, Jerry Lee Harrah, Maurnetia Harris, Ronald Lee Harvey, Judith Anne Hayes, Maynard Franklin Hicks, Brenda Sharron Holliday, Jimmie Gennell Houston, Cecilia Ann Hovanski, James Morris Hoye, Charlotte Ann Hunt, Frank Mc. Kinley Huston, Richard Brient, Hutchens, Larry Wayne Kesler, Margaret Ellen Kirby, Judith Evelyn Kobelia, James Warren Lawson, Nancy Ellen Lawson, Elizabeth Lee, Carol Ann Lewis, Nancy Hamilton Lewis, Fred Vivan Lilly, Orville Eugene Lilly, James Ethan Lowe, Cecil Jackson Luther, Wanda Marie Lyons, Anthony Joe Maddox, Billie Isabella Maddy, John Luther Maddy, Betty Jo Mahaffey, Robert Grant Mankin, Larry Martin, Lois Jean Maxey, Patricia Ann Maxey, Ted Curtis Maxey, Reba Ann Mc. Claugherty, Emma Lou Mc. Comas, Wanda Vera Mc. Daniel, Gene Raymond Mc. Elrath, Thomas Streibeigh Mc. Elrath, Mildred Louise Mc. Goskey, Thomas Ray Mc. Kinney, Leonard Ray Mc. Nulty, Della Marie Mc.