Active Directory Software Deployment Not Working

Active Directory Software Deployment Not Working

Tutorial 802. 1X Authentication via WiFi Active Directory Network Policy Server Cisco WLAN Group Policy. At Microsoft Ignite 2017, we announced the upcoming public preview of the Microsoft Cloud App Security proxy. We are very excited that the time has arrived, and this. IBM XForce attributed a recent wave of malwareinduced Active Directory AD lockouts across several IR engagements to the operators of the QakBot Trojan. Hi Joel, Ive got a weird issue. I have two site collections ISG and Corpsys. I am in the middle of a Active Directory migration from A to B. Windows Server 2008 install software through Active Directorys group policy. What information normal domain users can see in Active Directory and why this is available to users. Share. Point 2. 01. People. Picker Not Finding Active Directory Users. We had a weird problem at one of my customers the other day. Theyd built a Share. Point 2. 01. 0 farm with one web application and three site collections. IC195410.gif' alt='Active Directory Software Deployment Not Working' title='Active Directory Software Deployment Not Working' />In two of the site collections, the People. Picker control allowed the users to select the correct folks from their Active Directory. However, for one site collection, only users that already exist in the User Information List could be resolved by the People. Picker This was accompanied in the ULS 1. Error ID 7. 2e. 9 Error in resolving user fred System. Directory. Services. Directory. Services. COMException 0x. B A referral was returned from the server. System. Directory. Services. Active Directory Software Deployment Not WorkingSearch. Result. Collection. Results. Enumerator. Move. Next     at Microsoft. Share. Point. Web. Controls. People. Editor. Search. From. GCSPActive. Directory. Active Directory well acts as a hierarchical database storing information about the networks resources such as computers, users, groups, servers and more. It. Active Directory Software Deployment Not WorkingDomain domain, String str. Filter, String rgstr. Prop, Int. 32 n. Timeout, Int. Size. Limit, SPUser. Collection sp. Users, Array. List rg. Results     at Microsoft. Share. Point. Utilities. A comprehensive Windows 10 resource for IT professionals. Find downloads, tools, technical documentation, best practices, and other learning resources to help upgrade. SPUser. Utility. Resolve. Against. ADString input, Boolean input. Is. Email. Only, SPActive. Directory. Domain global. Catalog, SPPrincipal. Type scopes, SPUser. Collection users. Container, Time. Span search. Timeout, String custom. Filter     at Microsoft. Share. Point. Utilities. SPActive. Directory. Principal. Resolver. Resolve. PrincipalString input, Boolean input. Is. Email. Only, SPPrincipal. Type scopes, SPPrincipal. Source sources, SPUser. Collection users. Container     at Microsoft. Share. Point. Utilities. SPUtility. Resolve. Principal. InternalSPWeb web, SPWeb. Application web. App, Nullable1 url. Zone, String input, SPPrincipal. Type scopes, SPPrincipal. Source sources, SPUser. Collection users. Container, Boolean input. Is. Email. Only, Boolean always. Add. Windows. Resolver. A lot of people on the Internet seem to be having the same issues, and a lot of the advice seems to centre around setting Web Application level properties to configure the People. Picker. But the problem here is not Web Application wide it only affects one site collection. So I decided to have a look at some of the properties on the SPSite object itself through courtesy of Power. Shell. A look at the SPSite. User. Account. Directory. Path property showed an unexpected difference between the site collections that worked and the one that didnt. Solidworks Free Trial Download Uk Top. Heres an example snippet to illustrate the point PS C site get spsite http brokensite. PS C site. User. Account. Directory. Path. DCdev,DCcontoso,DCcom. The site collections that worked instead had an empty string for SPSite. User. Account. Directory. Path. Simply updating the value of the errant site collection resolved the problem. You could also use the Set SPSite cmdlet PS C Set SPSite Identity http brokensite. User. Account. Directory. Path This resolved the problem for our client. I hope you find it useful tooAzure Active Directory by Jairo Cadena. In a previous post we discussed about the three ways to setup Windows 1. Azure AD. I later covered in detail how Windows 1. Azure AD. In this post I want to provide some insight about what happens behind the scenes when users join devices to Azure AD Azure AD Join. Users can join devices to Azure AD in two ways 1 through the out of box experience OOBE the very first time a device is configured or after a device reset to factory settings or 2 through Settings after configuring the device with a Microsoft account e. Hotmail or local account. In both cases what happens behind the scenes is fundamentally the same User chooses to join device to Azure AD. User authenticates and provides an MFA proof if configured. User accepts terms from MDM system if applicable. Device registers with Azure AD. Device enrolls into MDM system and gets sign in policy if applicable. User signs into Windows. User provisions Microsoft Passport for Work. Device encryption is enabled and Bit. Locker key is escrowed to Azure AD. User enterprise settings are applied. Lets take a look at the details of what happens at each phase. User chooses to join device to Azure ADWhen a user turns a device for the first time the user will see the OOBE. Once the user has gone through the initial pages like choosing languageregion, accepting legal terms and connecting to the Wi. Fi, the user sees the experience that allows the user to configure the device with a particular account. The first detail to know is that this experience is web driven and runs under a particular temporal user that is created just before the experience shows. This differs from Windows 78. SYSTEM up to the point of user logon. Web pages are rendered in a special host called the Cloud e. Xperience Host CXH which has access to particular Win. RT APIs needed for setting up the device. Once the CXH is launched it navigates to a web app that will orchestrate the setup process. If the device runs Windows Professional the user will see a page presenting the option to configure the device as work owned using a work account or personal using a Microsoft account. If the device runs Windows Enterprise or Windows Home this page wont show but instead will default to work owned or personal respectively. Once the user has chosen to configure the device as work owned, the user will have the option to join the device to Azure AD or to create a local account. The current experience shows the option to join the device to a domain traditional Domain Join however this option will guide the user to setup a local account for the user to run Domain Join via Settings afterwards. Please note that we are working on improving this experience on a future update of Windows based on feedback we have received from you. If the user runs Azure AD Join from Settings after setting up the device as personal or with a local account the user will see the experience described from this point on. After choosing Azure AD Join the CXH will navigate to the Azure AD Join web app that is hosted in the following location https login. Web. AppCloud. Domain. Join4. This web app is mainly client code in the form of HTML and Java. Script that calls particular Win. RT APIs in the system via the CXH. User authenticates and provides an MFA proof if configured. Now, the web app will reach out to Azure AD to discover auth end points by retrieving the Open. ID configuration GET https login. Configuration is retrieved by obtaining the following JSON document. RS2. 56. httplogoutsupported true. The web app will build a sign in request using the discovered authorization endpoint to obtain a token to Azure DRS GET https login. A2. F2. Flogin. FWeb. App2. FCloud. Domain. Join2. F4. A few things to note The value of the parameter clientid corresponds to the one of Azure DRS. This is interesting because the redirect URI is not the Azure DRS end point but the Azure AD Join web app. In this special case the Azure AD Join web app is considered a client of Azure DRS. The token requested is an ID token. This is because the Azure AD Join web app needs to get claims from the token that need to pass to APIs for discovery, registration and MDM enrollment. Remember that the Azure AD Join web app is considered a client of Azure DRS. There is a parameter particular to Windows to specify the API version. The value of 2. 0 allows obtaining MDM related URLs for later use as claims in the ID token. The user will see the sign in page where to enter credentials Once the user types the username the page will discover the corresponding realm information. This will determine whether the user needs to be redirected to a different STS Secure Token Service like an AD FS on premises. This is done by retrieving realm information about the users domain name GET https login. The following is an example of a JSON object for the realm information for a federated tenant. Is. Domain. Verified 0. Name. Space. Type Federated. WSTrust. Login jairocmicrosoft. Auth. URL https msft. Microsoft. Online wctx. Domain. Name microsoft. Federation. Brand. Name Microsoft. If the tenant is federated the user will see the on premises STS sign in page where user can enter credentials. If the tenant is managed the user will be able to enter the password directly in the same page. In either case, if MFA has been configured the user will be challenged for additional factors of auth before proceeding. For managed tenants only, an authentication buffer is created locally and temporary cached for automatic sign in of the user to Windows at the end of OOBE this doesnt happen if run from Settings which will require a sign out and a manual sign in by the user. Federated tenant users will need to authenticate to the Windows logon UI after OOBE has completed. Credentials are posted to Azure AD for authentication to the login end point along with a few parameters indicating that this is a CXH driven authentication. This is useful to tweak some behaviors on the service side https login. MOSET. cxhver1. Desktop. Note that it indicates where the join is run from Settings or OOBE, the version of the host to accommodate for future behaviors and the platform Desktop or Mobile. After authentication succeeds, an ID token is generated and posted back to the Azure AD Join web app. The following is an example of the contents of the token. NA. amr pwd,mfa. S 1 1. Enrollment. ServerDiscovery. Cadena. sub 4y. Sz. Mn D1. 8vwlm. B4l. WNip. Sg. 7Y5 q. DVg. XVyo. Rv. F4. usersettingsyncurl Discovery https kailani. S 1 5 2. 1 1. Jairo. Jairo Cadena. uniquename jairocmicrosoft. Microsoft. primarysid S 1 5 2. Please note that this information is cached locally in the device and is accessible after device registration completes through the following APIs in dsreg. Dsr. Get. Join. Info. Dsr. Get. Join. Info. Ex. The following claims in particular contain URLs which are used later on to complete configuration of the device. To know how, please keep reading. User accepts terms from MDM if applicableThe next step is for the user to accept the terms from the MDM. If there is a corresponding URL configured in Azure AD for the MDM app for this user, the ID token will contain a claim mdmtouurl.

Active Directory Software Deployment Not Working
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