Creating a List of Objects Using VB. NETCreating a List of Objects The List class can be used to create any type including a class. In this. article, we will see how to create a list of a class with several properties. Example We have a class named Author that. Name, Age, Book. Title, Is. As you all know by now there are several areas you can elevate pictures from Active Directory. What I mean is that you can add a picture to the thumbnailphoto. VB. Net Quick Guide Learn VB. Net Programming in simple and easy steps starting from Environment setup, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Type Conversion, Variables. I have some code where it first moves the computer into a different OU and then I want it to confirm the change by displaying the OU it is now in in a list. This article will explain how to perform operations on Active Directory AD using C. In this stepbystep tutorial, I will build a class library DLL project that. Client Certificate Mapping authentication using Active Directory this method of authentication requires that the IIS 7 server is a member of an Active Directory. Dont listen to the internet getting account information from active directory for the current user is simple and easy in Visual Basic. NET particularly if. This article explains how to create list of objects in VB. NET. MVP and Published. Date of type. string, short, string, bool, and Date. Time respectively. Public. Class. Author. Private mname As. String. Private mage As. Short. Private title As. String. Private mvp As. Boolean. Private pubdate As. Home Products. Net Active Directory Wrapper Lite. Net Active Directory Wrapper Plus Video Demo FAQs Documentation Purchase Articles. Accessing LDAP From Code. Date. Time. Public. Sub. Newname. pubdate As. Date. Time. Me. mname name Me. Me. title title. Me. Me. Public. Property Name. As. String Get. Return mname. Setvalue As. String mname value. End. Property. Public. Property Age. As. Short Get. Return mage. Setvalue As. Short mage value. End. Property. Public. Property Book. Title. As. String Get. Return title. Setvalue As. String title value. End. Property. Public. Property Is. MVP. As. Boolean Get. Return mvp. Setvalue As. Boolean mvp value. End. Property. Public. Property Published. Date. As. Date. Time Get. Return pubdate. Setvalue As. Date. Time pubdate value. End. Property. End. Class. The following code snippet creates a List of. Author type. Dim. Author. List As. New. ListOf. AuthorThe following code snippet creates the Author. List. And print all the items in list. Imports. System. Text. Imports. System. IOImports. System. Collections. Generic. Module. Module. Free Download Templates For Adobe After Effects Cs3. Sub Main. Dim Author. List As. New. ListOf. Author Author. List. AddNew. AuthorMahesh. Chand, 3. 5, A Prorammers Guide to ADO. NET. True, New. Date. Time2. 00. 3, 7, 1. Author. List. AddNew. AuthorNeel. Beniwal, 1. Graphics Development with C. False, New. Date. Time2. 01. 0, 2, 2. Author. List. AddNew. AuthorPraveen. Kumar, 2. Mastering WCF. True, New. Date. Time2. 01. Author. List. AddNew. AuthorMahesh. Chand, 3. Graphics Programming with GDI. True, New. Date. Time2. Author. List. AddNew. AuthorRaj. Kumar, 3. Building Creative Systems. False, New. Date. Time2. 01. 1, 6, 3. In Author. List. Console. Write. LineAuthor. Name, author. Age, author. Book. Title. author. Is. MVP, author. Published. Date Next. Console. Read. Line. End. Sub. End. Module. Using Pictures from Active Directory MSit. Pros Blogdifferent wallpapers for different OUs Problem solved. In fact, using scripts to do most of the job is the solution. Ive made a script which reads the group user belongs and apply the correct wallpaper. The only problem I have is just the wallpaper only refreshes after user end session and star again. I spend much time looking for a solution to refresh immediately user wallpaper and find something like this o. Shell. Run windirSystem. RUNDLL3. 2. EXE user. Update. Per. User. System. Parameters, 1, True. Althought I run this command several times in may script, it doesnt solved my problem. Anyone got any idea how to refresh wallpaper after changing registry keyI leave here my script. As I am not an expert fell free to comment and improve it. Obviously, all the credits go to people all over the internet who share their knowledge with others. To Oddvar, special thanks for this Blog which have helped me a lot. Name logonscript. Description Logon VBScript and network drive mappingDate 2. Initialize user groups. Const Building. 1USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 2USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 3USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 4USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 5USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 6USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 7USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 8USERS CN Company Building. Const Building. 9USERS CN Company Building. Logon script code. Dim Wsh. Network. Dim Wsh. Shell. Set Wsh. Network WScript. Create. ObjectWScript. NetworkSet Wsh. Shell WScript. Create. ObjectWScript. Shell Wallpaper settings. Set o. Shell Create. ObjectWScript. ShellSet o. FSO Create. ObjectScripting. File. System. Object Define user groups. Set ADSys. Info Create. ObjectADSystem. InfoSet Current. User Get. ObjectLDAP ADSys. Info. User. NameUser must belong at least to 2 groupsstr. Groups JoinCurrent. User. Member. Of Removing existing network maps. On Error Resume Next. Set cl. Drives Wsh. Network. Enum. Network. Drives. For i 0 to cl. Drives. Count 1 Step 2. WSHNetwork. Remove. Network. Drive cl. Drives. Itemi, True, True. Next Give time to disconnet drives. WScript. Sleep 1. Load comun shareswsh. Network. Map. Network. Drive N, nas server. Publicwsh. Network. Map. Network. Drive P, namespacesharesharename. Truewsh. Network. Map. Network. Drive T, namespacesharescans wsh. Network. User. Namewsh. Network. Map. Network. Drive U, namespaceshare. UserShare wsh. Network. User. Nameshare. N Public share. P sharename. 1share. T scans share. 4 U UserShare Condicional shares. If In. Strstr. Groups, Building. USERS Thenwsh. Network. Map. Network. Drive Q, namespaceshare. Specificshareshare. Q Specificshare result. Register wallpaper registry keys. Win. Dir o. FSO. Get. Special. Folder0s. Wall. Paper namespace. NETLOGONwallpaperswallpaper building. Shell. Reg. Write HKCUControl Panel. Desktop. Wallpaper, s. Wall. Paper let the system know about the changeo. Shell. Run windirSystem. RUNDLL3. 2. EXE user. Update. Per. User. System. Parameters, 1, True. Else. If In. Strstr. Groups, Building. USERS Then The same for each building. Else do not create sharess. Win. Dir o. FSO. Get. Special. Folder0s. Wall. Paper cmo. NETLOGONwallpaperswallpaper other. Shell. Reg. Write HKCUControl Panel. Desktop. Wallpaper, s. Wall. Paper let the system know about the changeo. System. Parameters, 1, True. End If Do not allow users to change wallpaper. HKEYCURRENTUSER H8. Computer. Set obj. Reg Get. Objectwinmgmts str. Computer rootdefault Std. Reg. Provstr. Key. Path Software. Microsoft. Windows. Current. Version. Policies. Active. Desktopobj. Reg. Create. Key HKEYCURRENTUSER, str. Key. Path. Value. Name No. Changing. Wallpaperstr. Value 1obj. Reg. Set. DWORDValue HKEYCURRENTUSER, str. Key. Path, Value. Name, str. Value Get current time only the value of hourtempo absHourNow Greeting user Good morning, good afternoon, good nightIf tempo 0 And tempo 1. And tempo lt 1. Thengreet Hi, good afternoon Else greet Hi, good night End If. Result Wsh. Shell. Popupgreet Vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf Your username is Wsh. Network. User. Name Vb. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf Welcome to the domain Wsh. Network. User. Domain vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf Network drives have been mapped Vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf resultado. Vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf resultado. Vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf resultado. Vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf resultado. Vb. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf NOTE If you dont see above shares vb. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf please cal IT Departmant vb. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf numbers Ext. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf Vb. Cr. Lf Space 1. Today is Format. Date. TimeNow,vb. Long. Date Vb. Cr. Lf vb. Cr. Lf Space 1. Time Time horas, 1. CMO Logon Script Ver. Rev. 3, 6. 5 let the system know about the changeo. Shell. Run windirSystem. RUNDLL3. 2. EXE user. Update. Per. User. System. Parameters, 1, True.